jQuery Hide and Show

Using the jQuery show() and hide() functions, you may show and hide HTML components.

The hide() function simply sets the inline style display: none for the components that have been chosen. The show() function, on the other hand, returns the display attributes of the matched set of elements to what they were before the inline style display: none was applied to them—typically block, inline, or inline-block. 



You may give the duration (also known as speed) argument to make the jQuery show hide effect animated over a specific time period. Durations can be provided in milliseconds for increased precision, or in preset strings such as 'slow' or 'fast'.



You may optionally define a callback function that will be invoked when the show() or hide() method has finished. In the next chapters, we'll learn more about the callback function.



jQuery toggle() Method

The toggle() function of jQuery shows or hides elements in such a way that if the element is originally visible, it is hidden; if hidden, it is revealed (i.e. toggles the visibility).



Similarly, you may use the duration argument to make the toggle() function animated, just like the show() and hide() methods. 



Similarly, with the toggle() method, you may define a callback function.




With jQuery, you can easily hide or show elements on a web page using the hide() and show() methods. The hide() method hides the selected elements by setting their CSS display property to "none", effectively removing them from the visible area. For example, $('.my-element').hide() hides all elements with the class "my-element". Conversely, the show() method reveals the hidden elements by setting their CSS display property to its default value, which is typically "block" or "inline". To show hidden elements, you can use $('.my-element').show(). These methods provide a straightforward way to dynamically control the visibility of elements based on user interactions or other events.

Yes, jQuery provides built-in animation methods that can be used in conjunction with hide() and show() to add visual effects when hiding or showing elements. The hide() and show() methods can be modified to include optional parameters, such as duration and easing, to create smooth animations. For example, $('.my-element').hide(500) hides the elements with a 500-millisecond animation. Similarly, you can use show() with animation parameters like $('.my-element').show(1000, 'linear') to show the elements with a 1-second linear animation. Additionally, jQuery offers other animation methods like slideUp(), slideDown(), and slideToggle(), which animate the height of elements to create sliding effects. By utilizing these animation methods, you can enhance the user experience by adding appealing transitions and effects to element visibility changes

jQuery provides the toggle() method to toggle the visibility of elements between hidden and shown states. The toggle() method can be used to switch the visibility status of elements based on each element's current state. For example, if an element is hidden, $('.my-element').toggle() will show it, and if the element is already visible, calling toggle() will hide it. This allows you to easily implement show/hide functionality with a single method. Additionally, you can use the toggle() method with animation parameters, similar to hide() and show(), to create animated toggling effects. The toggle() method is especially useful for implementing toggling behavior in response to user interactions, such as button clicks or menu toggles.