jQuery Effect Methods

Method Description
animate() Run a custom animation on the items you've chosen.
clearQueue() Removes any remaining pending functions from the components that have been chosen.
delay() Delays all queued functions on the specified items.
dequeue() Removes the next function from the queue before executing it.
fadeIn() The chosen items fade in and out.
fadeOut() The selected elements are faded out.
fadeTo() The selected items are faded in and out to a specified opacity.
fadeToggle() The fadeIn() and fadeOut() functions are toggled.
finish() All queued animations for the specified items are stopped, removed, and completed.
hide() The chosen items are hidden.
queue() Displays the functions that have been queued on the specified items.
show() Displays the items that have been chosen.
slideDown() Slides down (displays) the components that have been selected.
slideToggle() The slideUp() and slideDown() functions are toggled.
slideUp() The chosen pieces are slid up (hidden).
stop() Stops the current animation for the components chosen.
toggle() The hidden() and display() functions are toggled.