jQuery Event Methods

Method / Property Description
bind() Version 3.0 removed the deprecation. Instead, use the on() function. Event handlers are attached to elements.
blur() The blur event is attached/triggered.
change() The change event is attached/triggered.
click() The click event is attached/triggered.
dblclick() The double click event is attached/triggered.
delegate() Version 3.0 removed the deprecation. Instead, use the on() function. Attaches a handler to the matched elements' present or future child elements.
die() Version 1.9 removed. All event handlers added using the live() function are removed.
error() Version 3.0 removed it. The error event is attached/triggered.
event.currentTarget Within the event bubbling phase, the current DOM element.
event.data When the current running handler is bound, this variable contains the optional data supplied to an event method.
event.delegateTarget Returns the element to which the currently active jQuery event handler has been connected.
event.isDefaultPrevented() Returns if the event object's event.preventDefault() method was invoked.
event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() Returns if the event object's event.stopImmediatePropagation() method was invoked.
event.isPropagationStopped() Returns if the event object's event.stopPropagation() method was invoked.
event.namespace The namespace supplied when the event was initiated is returned.
event.pageX Returns the mouse position with relation to the document's left edge.
event.pageY Returns the mouse position with relation to the document's top edge.
event.preventDefault() Prevents the event's default action.
event.relatedTarget Returns which element was entered or departed as a result of mouse movement.
event.result Contains the most recent/previous value returned by an event handler in response to the given event.
event.stopImmediatePropagation() This function prevents other event handlers from being invoked.
event.stopPropagation() Prevents the event from bubbling up the DOM tree and notifying any parent handlers of the event.
event.target This method returns the DOM element that caused the event.
event.timeStamp The number of milliseconds from January 1, 1970, when the incident occurred, is returned.
event.type This function returns the type of event that was triggered.
event.which Returns the keyboard or mouse button that was pushed during the event.
focus() The focus event is attached/triggered.
focusin() An event handler is attached to the focusin event.
focusout() An event handler is attached to the focusout event.
hover() The hover event is given two event handlers.
keydown() The keydown event is attached/triggered.
keypress() The keypress event is attached/triggered.
keyup() The keyup event is attached/triggered.
live() Version 1.9 removed. Adds one or more event handlers to the current or future components.
load() Version 3.0 removed it. An event handler is attached to the load event.
mousedown() The mousedown event is attached/triggered.
mouseenter() The mouseenter event is attached/triggered.
mouseleave() The mouseleave event is attached/triggered.
mousemove() The mousemove event is attached/triggered.
mouseout() The mouseleave event is attached/triggered.
mouseover() The mousemove event is attached/triggered.
mouseup() The mousemove event is attached/triggered.
off() Removes event handlers that have been attached with the on() function.
on() Event handlers are attached to elements.
one() Adds one or more event handlers to the items you've chosen. This handler can be called just once per element.
$.proxy() Returns a new function with a certain context from an existing function.
ready() When the DOM is entirely loaded, this method is called.
resize() The resize event is attached/triggered.
scroll() The scroll event is attached/triggered.
select() Adds/Triggers the selected event.
submit() The submit event is attached/triggered.
toggle() Version 1.9 removed. Attaches two or more functions for the click event to toggle between.
trigger() All events associated with the specified items are triggered.
triggerHandler() All functions tied to a given event for the chosen items are triggered.
unbind() Version 3.0 removed the deprecation. Instead, use the off() function. Removes an additional event handler from the items that have been chosen.
undelegate() Version 3.0 removed the deprecation. Instead, use the off() function. Removes an event handler from a set of components, either now or in the future.
unload() Version 3.0 removed it. Instead, use the on() or trigger() methods. An event handler is attached to the unload event.