useLocation Hooks
The useLocation hook is provided by the React Router library, specifically react-router-dom, to access the current location object. It allows you to access information about the current URL and location state within your components.
Here's an example of how to use the useLocation hook:
In this example, the useLocation hook from react-router-dom is used to access the location object. The location object contains information about the current URL and other details.
The location.pathname property provides the path of the current URL. You can use this property to display the current path or perform logic based on the current route.
Other properties available in the location object include:
Represents the query string of the URL, including the ? character.
2. location.hash
Represents the URL fragment identifier, including the # character.
3. location.state
Represents the state object associated with the current location. This state object can be provided when navigating using history.push or history.replace methods.
By using the useLocation hook, you can access and utilize this information within your components.
Make sure you have set up your routing configuration correctly using a library like React Router or reach-router. Also, ensure that your component is rendered within a <Router> component to access the location object.
To get the current pathname from the location object, you can use location.pathname. It will give you the current path of the URL without the query parameters or hash.
To access query parameters, you can use the search property of the location object, which contains the query string portion of the URL. You can then use the URLSearchParams API or a third-party library like 'query-string' to parse and extract the individual query parameters.
No, the useLocation Hook is read-only and is used to access the current location information. To change the URL or navigate to a different route, you need to use the history object provided by the useHistory Hook.