JavaScript Objects

What is an Object?

As JavaScript is an object-based language, practically everything in it behaves or is an object. We thus need to grasp how objects function as well as how to construct and utilize our own objects in order to work with JavaScript successfully and quickly.

A JavaScript object is nothing more than a grouping of named values. Often, the term "properties of the object" is used to describe these named values. As you recall from the chapter on JavaScript arrays, an array is a grouping of values, where each value is identified by an index (a numerical key) that starts at zero and increases by one for each item. The distinction between an object and an array is that the keys for an object such as name, age, gender, and so on are defined by you.

Object Creating

Curly brackets can be used to construct an object with an optional list of properties. A property is a "key: value" pair in which the key (or property name) must always be a string and the value (or property value) may be any data type, strings, integers, Booleans, or sophisticated data types like arrays, functions, and other objects. In order to separate them from other properties, properties that have functions as their values are moreover frequently referred to as methods.



Properties of Object

The dot (.) or square bracket ([ ]) notation can be used to access or obtain a property's value. Although the dot notation is simpler to read and write, it is not always appropriate. You must use bracket notation rather than dot notation if the property's name is invalid (that is, if it contains spaces or other special characters). Dot notation is substantially less flexible than square bracket notation. In addition, you may use variables to define property names rather than just text literals.



Object Attributes for Looping

The loop may be used to traverse over the key-value pairs of an object. This loop has been expressly designed to be iteratively optimized for object characteristics.



Object Properties Setting

Similarly, by using the dot (.) or bracket ([ ]) notation, you may create new attributes or modify existing ones.




In JavaScript, objects are composite data types that allow you to store and organize related data and functionality together. Objects are created using curly braces {} and consist of key-value pairs, where the key acts as the identifier and the value represents the associated data or behavior. Objects are used to represent real-world entities, such as a person, car, or a book, and provide a way to access and manipulate their properties and methods. Objects play a central role in JavaScript, serving as a fundamental building block for organizing and structuring complex data and functionality.

You can access and modify properties of a JavaScript object using dot notation or bracket notation. With dot notation, you use the object name followed by a dot (.) and the property name. For example, if you have an object person with a property name, you can access it as To modify the value of a property, you can assign a new value using the assignment operator (=), like = "John". Alternatively, with bracket notation, you use square brackets ([]) and pass the property name as a string. For example, person["name"] would access the name property. Bracket notation is useful when the property name is dynamic or contains special characters.

Yes, JavaScript objects can have methods. Methods are functions that are defined as properties of an object. They allow objects to perform actions or computations. To define a method within an object, you assign a function to a property. For example, consider an object calculator with a method add that adds two numbers. You can define it as calculator.add = function(a, b) { return a + b; }. Then, you can invoke the method as calculator.add(3, 4), which would return the sum of 3 and 4. Methods are a powerful feature of objects, enabling encapsulation of behavior and enhancing the functionality and versatility of JavaScript objects.