CSS backface-visibility Property

Backface visibility The property determines whether or not the rear face of an element is shown to the user. It is a mirror image of the front face that is shown to the user as the back face of an element. It is useful when an element is rotated since it determines whether or not the rear face of an element is visible.




Property Values

Value Description
visible This is the default setting. When an element is facing the user, the rear face is displayed.
Hidden When facing the user, this attribute indicates that the rear face of an element is concealed.
Initial It restores the property's default value.
inherit Inherits this property from its parent element.

Supported Browsers

Element Chrome Firefox Safari Edge / IE Opera
backface-visibility 36.0 
12.0 -webkit-
10.0 -moz-
4.0 -webkit- 10.0 23.0 
15.0 -webkit-

More Example