CSS break-before Property

The CSS break-before property specifies whether a page break, region break, or column break should occur before or after the element. If there is no generated box, this property is ignored.



Property Values

Value Description
auto Default. Before the element, an automatic page/column/region break occurs.
all Always put a page break right before the main box.
always Always include a page break before inserting the element.
avoid A page/column/region break should be avoided before the element.
avoid-column Avoid inserting a column break before the element.
avoid-page Avoid inserting a page break before the element.
avoid-region Avoid putting a region break before the element.
column Always use a column break before inserting the element.
left Insert one or two page breaks before the element to make the next page a left page.
page Always include a page break before inserting the element.
recto Insert one or two page breaks before the main box to make the next page a recto page.
region Always use a region-break before inserting the element.
right Insert one or two page breaks before the element to ensure that the next page is formatted correctly.
verso Insert one or two page breaks before the main box to make the next page a verso page.
initial This property is set to its default value.
inherit This property is inherited from its parent element.

Supported Browsers

Element Chrome Firefox Safari Edge / IE Opera
break-before 50.0 65.0 10.0 10.0 37.0