How To Add CSS

The markup language known as HTML aids in defining a web page's structure. The stylesheet language you use to present the structure and give it a good layout is called CSS.

You must figure out a means to connect the CSS and the HTML in order for the stylings you apply using CSS to appear in the HTML. This post focuses on how you can link that external CSS to your HTML because it is recommended that you maintain your CSS and HTML separately.

The style of web pages using HTML elements is set using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). It alters the web page's elements' background-color, font-size, font family, color, etc.

Three CSS Insertion Methods :

A style sheet can be inserted in one of three ways:

  • Internal CSS
  • External CSS
  • Inline CSS

1. Internal CSS

When only one HTML document needs to be styled differently, this can be utilized. The HTML file's head section is where the CSS rule set belongs, therefore the CSS is actually inserted there.



2. External CSS

With the aid of tag attributes, external CSS provides a distinct CSS file that solely contains style properties. CSS properties should be linked to the HTML document using the link tag and should be written in a separate file with the.css suffix. This means that just one style may be chosen for each element and that style will be used throughout all web pages.



3. Inline CSS

Inline CSS is a style sheet that includes a CSS property in the body of an element. The style attribute of an HTML tag is used to specify this kind of style.



Properties of CSS

Inline CSS is a style sheet that includes a CSS property in the body of an element. The style attribute of an HTML tag is used to specify this kind of style.

  • When only one HTML document needs to be styled differently, this can be utilized. The HTML file's head section is where the CSS rule set belongs, therefore the CSS is actually inserted there.
  • With the aid of tag attributes, external CSS provides a distinct CSS file that solely contains style properties. 
  • CSS properties should be linked to the HTML document using the link tag and should be written in a separate file with the.css suffix. This means that just one style may be chosen for each element and that style will be used throughout all web pages.


External CSS is most appropriate to use when you have a large website with multiple pages because it allows you to keep your styles in a separate file, making it easier to manage and maintain your code. By using an external CSS file, you can also ensure consistency across your entire website and make updates to your styles quickly and efficiently. Additionally, external CSS can improve website performance by allowing the browser to cache the file, reducing the amount of data that needs to be downloaded on subsequent page loads.

When there are conflicting CSS styles, the browser uses a set of rules to determine which style takes priority. These rules are known as the "cascading" part of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). The rules include the specificity of the selector, the order of the rules in the stylesheet, and whether or not the rule uses the !important keyword.

Generally, the more specific the selector, the higher the priority. For example, a style applied to an element with an ID will override a style applied to a class. If two rules have the same specificity, then the last rule in the stylesheet takes priority.

It's generally best to avoid using !important unless absolutely necessary, as it can make it difficult to override styles later on. It's also important to keep your stylesheets organized and well-structured to make it easier to manage conflicting styles.

Inline CSS is a type of CSS that is directly included within the HTML element using the "style" attribute. Advantages of using inline CSS include quick and easy application of styles to individual elements, overriding of external or internal stylesheets, and no need for selectors.

However, inline CSS can result in a high amount of code repetition, making it difficult to maintain and update, and can negatively affect website performance. Additionally, it can be challenging to manage conflicts between inline styles and other stylesheets. As a result, it's generally recommended to use external CSS stylesheets instead.