CSS mix-blend-mode Property

The CSS mix-blend-mode property of an element specifies how the element's background is blended with the element's parent.




Property Values

Value Description
normal This is the default setting. Normalizes the blending mode.
multiply The blending mode is changed to multiply.
screen Screen is the blending mode that is selected.
overlay Overlay is the blending mode that is selected.
darken The blending mode is changed to darken.
lighten The blending mode is changed to lighten.
color-dodge Color-dodge is the blending mode that is selected.
color-burn Color-burn is the blending mode that is selected.
difference The blending mode is different.
exclusion Exclusion is the blending mode that is selected.
hue The blending mode is changed to hue.
saturation Saturation is set as the blending mode.
color Colorizes the blending mode.
luminosity The blending mode is changed to luminosity.

Supported Browsers

Property Chrome Firefox Safari Edge / IE Opera
mix-blend-mode 41.0 32.0 8.0 79.0 35.0