CSS Padding

CSS Padding: CSS paddings are used to add space inside any specified borders and surrounding the element. For each side, we can set a distinct padding level (top, right, bottom, left). To implement padding properties, border properties must be included.

The following values are possible for padding properties:

  1. Length in cm, px, pt, etc.
  2. % of the element's width.



An element's padding can be specified on each side in the following sequence using the padding CSS shorthand property:

  • padding-top: This attribute is used to specify the size of the padding area for an element's top.
  • padding-right: This attribute is used to specify the size of the padding surrounding an element's right side.
  • padding-bottom: This property is used to specify the height of the padding area for an element's bottom.
  • padding-left: Setting the width of the padding region to the left of an element is done using the padding-left property.

The padding property permits negative values, as noted.

If the margin property has 4 values: 

padding: 40px 100px 120px 80px;

  • top = 40px
  • right = 100px
  • bottom = 120px
  • left = 80px



If the margin property has 3 values: 

padding: 40px 100px 120px;

  • top = 40px
  • right and left = 100px
  • bottom = 120px



If the margin property has 2 values: 

padding: 100px 150px;

  • top and bottom = 40px
  • right and left = 100px



If the margin property has 1 values:

padding: 100px;

  • top, right, bottom and left = 100px



Difference Between Margin & Padding:

  • Padding and margin are both used to add distance between objects, with padding being used for objects inside borders.
  • Padding cannot be set to auto, but we may set the margin attribute to auto.
  • While we can accept negative or float values for the Margin property, we cannot accept negative values for the Padding property.
  • Padding and margins are applied to the element's four sides. Padding and margins function properly even without the border attribute.


In CSS, margin and padding are two properties used for spacing elements on a web page. The main difference between them is that margin is used to create space around an element, while padding is used to create space within an element. Margin pushes elements away from each other, while padding pushes the content away from the element's border. Another difference is that margin can have negative values to overlap elements, while padding cannot. Understanding the difference between margin and padding is important for creating well-designed web pages.

Yes, CSS Padding affects the size of an element. When you apply padding to an element, it increases the space between the content and the element's border. This means that the total size of the element will increase by the amount of padding applied. For example, if you have a div element with a width of 200px and you add 20px of padding on all sides, the total width of the element will be 240px (200px + 20px left padding + 20px right padding).

Padding is a CSS property that adds space around the content within an element's boundary. It is used to create extra space within an element and to improve readability. By increasing the padding, you can make the text or other content inside the element appear more spacious, which can make it more legible and easier to read. To add padding to an element, you can use the CSS padding property and set its value in pixels, ems or percentages. For example, to add 10 pixels of padding to an element, you could use the following CSS rule: padding: 10px;.