CSS !important

In CSS, the !important property is used to give more weight (importance) than the normal property. In CSS, !important means "this is important," so ignore all subsequent rules and apply the !important rule. The keyword !important must appear at the end of the line, immediately before the semicolon.

In other words, it emphasizes all of the sub-properties represented by the shorthand property.

A rule defined in an external style sheet that is overruled by a style defined in the document's head, which is then overruled by an inline style within the element itself (assuming equal specificity of the selectors).

As a result, it is used to override styles that have previously been declared in other style sources in order to achieve a specific design.







CSS !important can be overridden by another style rule with the same selector and a higher specificity score, or by using the !important declaration in the new rule.

Some potential drawbacks of using CSS !important include making it difficult to maintain and modify the stylesheet in the future, reducing the readability of the stylesheet, and making it more difficult to debug conflicting style rules.

Some alternatives to using CSS !important include improving selector specificity, reordering style rules, using cascading and inheritance to reduce the number of style rules, and using contextual selectors to target specific elements.