CSS text-shadow Property

In CSS, the text-shadow property is used to add shadows to text. This property accepts a comma-separated list of shadows to be applied to the text. The text-shadow property's default value is none.

Text-shadow is a CSS property that adds shadows to text. It accepts a list of shadows separated by commas to be applied to the text and any of its decorations. Each shadow is defined by some combination of the element's X and Y offsets, blur radius, and color. Each shadow is specified as two or three values, followed by a value if desired. The and values are the first two values. The third and final, optional value is the. The value is the color of the shadow.




Property Values

Value Description
h-shadow Required. The horizontal shadow's position. Negative values are permitted.
v-shadow Required. The vertical shadow's position. Negative values are permitted.
blur-radius Optional. The radius of blur. The default value is zero.
color Optional. The hue of the shadow. For a complete list of colour values, see CSS Color Values.
none The default value. There is no shadow.
initial This property is set to its default value.
inherit This property is inherited from its parent element.

Supported Browsers

Property Chrome Firefox Safari Edge / IE Opera
text-shadow 4.0 3.5 4.0 10.0 9.6