CSS Outline

The basic A line can be drawn outside the boundary of the element using the CSS shorthand attribute. It is employed to set all of the outline's properties in a single statement. Outline-style, Outline-color, Outline-width, and Outline-offset are the four different types of CSS outline attributes. We will go over each sort of outline property in turn using examples.

CSS has the following outline properties:

Numerous attributes are included in the CSS outline collection, and each one is thoroughly explained with an example.


This specifies how an element's outline will look, i.e., what kind of outline it will have. Without first specifying the outline-style, it is impossible to access any other outline attribute. The default style will be none if it is lacking.





The term "outline-color" is used to specify an element's outline colour. The name of the colour, such as its RGB or hex value, can be used to set it. If not present, the current colour will be used as the default.





In order to specify the width of this outline for a particular element, use the outline-width property. You can select the width of the outline in pixels, centimeters, points, etc., or by using adjectives like thin, thick, and medium. If missing, the medium width will be used by default.





Using the CSS outline-offset The distance between an outline and an element's edge or border is determined by a property. A line that surrounds objects outside the border edge is known as an outline. The area between an element's outline and that element is transparent. Additionally, the outline might not be square. 0 is the default value.





CSS outline plays a vital role in website accessibility as it provides a visual indication of focus for keyboard users. Keyboard-only users rely on the outline to navigate through the interactive elements of a website. Without a visible outline, it becomes difficult for these users to understand which element they are interacting with. However, it is important to style the outline appropriately so that it does not interfere with the aesthetics of the website. For example, you can change the color, thickness, and style of the outline to match the overall design of the website.

Yes, you can animate the outline of an HTML element using CSS. You can use the outline-offset property to create space between the outline and the element, and then use CSS animations to change the value of outline-color or outline-width. This can create interesting visual effects when the element receives focus or is interacted with. However, it's important to ensure that the animation does not negatively impact the accessibility of the website, particularly for users who rely on keyboard navigation.

To change the color of an outline using CSS, you can use the outline-color property followed by the desired color value. To change the style, you can use the outline-style property followed by the desired style value such as dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, or outset. To change the width, you can use the outline-width property followed by the desired width value such as thin, medium, or thick. For example, to create a red dashed outline with a width of 3px, you can use:

outline-color: red;
outline-style: dashed;
outline-width: 3px;